The Ramblings of a Somewhat Unstable Mind

Posts tagged ‘pictures’

Word of the Day: March 02, 2012





Inbloggerated smiley face, prior to the divorce scandals

One more glass and even this blog will look nice!

1)  The intense anger caused by any number of blogging events:  ignorant, unrelated comments, the egregious misspelling in titles, not noticed until after posting, or reading a completely (non-sarcastic) false post in your blog niche.


2)  The utter and complete failure of all picture services to deliver a related illustration or photograph for a blog post.



Today’s post was brought to you by the letter B and the colour Red!  (yes, “colour” – it’s English English and used in Canada too!).   Ann Marie Dwyer (affectionately and professionally known as “Red”) contributed today’s feature.  Please pay Red a visit and see what she has to say about school shootings, marriage, love, kids and life in general, at



*note;  if you have any suggestions for a fake, blogging-related word or acronym that you like, despise or use, please leave it as a comment, along with a short definition and the phonetics. Your suggestions may well be an upcoming daily feature!


Subject to change without notice. Words may appear closer in a mirror than they actually are. 9 out of 10 librarians  are mousey introverts, 19 times out of 20, yet still manage to appear to be sexy. This site is not endorsed by the SPCB (the second SPC (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty) in the phone book – the SPCA (Animals) hogged the first spot on me again! Those brutes!) the apathetic and appallingly apropos “Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Bloggers” (donations accepted and suggested).


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