The Ramblings of a Somewhat Unstable Mind

Posts tagged ‘Twitter’

Word of the Day: April 27, 2012

Storage Blogwars





In Las Vegas, the bidders were hoping to find a great blog, for the very first time in recorded history...



1)  What happens when assorted bloggers that  nobody takes seriously, who all realize that nobody’s read their posts for 2 or more years, and so they start promoting old content endlessly on Twitter and Facebook in the hopes that somebody will hear them over the din of others doing the same thing, and finally click through. Best known for a blogger named Dave who keeps shouting “LIKE!” in the most irritating manner imaginable.



*Note:  This entry was brought to you by reader Lance Buhrmann, as posted in a comment on a previous “Word of the Day” blog post.


This blog has been accredited by the MPB, the Multi-Blog Manipulators, (also my initials!) as the best, fake, blog-related “Word of the Day” feature.  The fact that it is the only blog of it’s kind may have also had some bearing on the award’s presentation, but I highly resemble that insinuation…




My First Hate Mail! Yet, it includes my LinkedIn Group Members!

My wait is finally over!  Not only do i get my first hate mail (not as a comment, but left on G+ – not the same but just as good!), but the LinkedIn group that I started, which was once rather successful, and is now steadily growing again with the help of my online friends (and many more who should be joining soon through Social Oomph and was also targeted nastily, which I take very personally!


Now, I do ask my faithful followers and my great new friends from my group on LinkedIn (Doreen, Christy, Nigel, etc) to please at least read the last 2 sentences of the note (highlighted in blue, below).


In my very first hate mail (and it was a hard job! A long time coming too!), I am told that i am a spammer and a page view hog.  I also tweet and make G+ comments for my group members and some other followers *(as well as the sender of this hate mail) that are misleading and tag stuffing (is that anything like turkey stuffing? Yum!).  I am a


  I happen to know all that, Marc. So your “Uh, i only take prescribed medication for cancer and other ailments that i have…” right after your “I am not Michael Mozart” comment is just enough. I had mistakenly thought we were casual friends. I had not realized my sole purpose was to be a statistic in your hit counter.

You asked the other day if you were doing something wrong. The short answer is yes. You are a spammer. The article I told you was bait and switch is just as much a click magnet as the “I do, too!” post. Rather than offering legitimate information, you are sticking your tongue out at those who would click. I told you this a while back with your tag stuffing.

It is a social media tactic which gets people the world over unfriended. They bait people onto their statuses with cryptic or misleading claims only to get people to interact with their pages. Like the person who constantly puts up as a status, “Oh, what a horrible day,” begging the unsuspecting or the legitimate friends to engage them in conversation.

To be quite frank, if I wanted to open a blogging and social media school, I probably could. Problem is, I do not want that as a profession. I only consult for paying clients, as I have enough work of my own to do. It is a large part of the reason I abandoned the group on LinkedIn. I do not have the time to commit to giving free advice to people who are and have been using platforms without reading the instructions and the hosted advice about getting their blogs to perform.

I have made a large effort to slow the number of notifications my friends get as to my content. The ones who want it subscribe directly to me or to the RSS feed.

Here, I frequently share more things which I did not create in order to harness the driving force behind the G+ platform. The majority of my posts are public and not sent to anyone at all. This is the truest effort of someone who never wants to be listed as a spammer, and a large dose of following the advice I give to everyone who pays me.very bad person who has no idea how to use social media – duh!  I’ve been openly stating that for a while now!  I have been at this for almost 4 months now, and the sender of this note for years…

This note was in response to one i sent asking what I did wrong, and why i was being compared to someone else who blogged about something that I work at a compassionate society for.

The following is the note left on G+ to me.  Now, I will not name the originator, and I do welcome them (the non-sexual term so as not to expose her) to respond via a comment (no moderation here!) to any misinformation or missing information that they may deem necessary to this post’s being true, complete and honest, which I strive for in most of my posts (well, the serious ones anyways – some people just have no sense of humor)…

Now, listen here young man!

  I happen to know all that, Marc. So your “Uh, i only take prescribed medication for cancer and other ailments that i have…” right after your “I am not Michael Mozart” comment is just enough. I had mistakenly thought we were casual friends. I had not realized my sole purpose was to be a statistic in your hit counter.

You asked the other day if you were doing something wrong. The short answer is yes. You are a spammer. The article I told you was bait and switch is just as much a click magnet as the “I do, too!” post. Rather than offering legitimate information, you are sticking your tongue out at those who would click. I told you this a while back with your tag stuffing. 

It is a social media tactic which gets people the world over unfriended. They bait people onto their statuses with cryptic or misleading claims only to get people to interact with their pages. Like the person who constantly puts up as a status, “Oh, what a horrible day,” begging the unsuspecting or the legitimate friends to engage them in conversation.

To be quite frank, if I wanted to open a blogging and social media school, I probably could. Problem is, I do not want that as a profession. I only consult for paying clients, as I have enough work of my own to do. It is a large part of the reason I abandoned the group on LinkedIn. I do not have the time to commit to giving free advice to people who are and have been using platforms without reading the instructions and the hosted advice about getting their blogs to perform.

I have made a large effort to slow the number of notifications my friends get as to my content. The ones who want it subscribe directly to me or to the RSS feed. 

Here, I frequently share more things which I did not create in order to harness the driving force behind the G+ platform. The majority of my posts are public and not sent to anyone at all. This is the truest effort of someone who never wants to be listed as a spammer, and a large dose of following the advice I give to everyone who pays me.”

Now, I am not one to pay someone to give me some tips or help of any kind;  if they don’t have time for me then that’s fine, but there is absolutely no need to talk down to me or my group members.
Now, to all of my LinkedIn group members, please take heart.  This person is more than willing to offer tips to you in exchange for cold, hard cash.

I don't feel sad... but frustrated and rather peeved - take it out on me, not my group members!

And to the originator of this note – leaving it open on the social networking site, you have labelled me as a spammer and a page view hog.  You may be popular and have a good following, and now be sponsored to blog your laptop off, but leaving that note there for all to see is only done so to get people to stay away from me.


*note to the originator…

If you had a shred of decency you would take my name off of that  drivel  comment.

Word of the Day: January 6, 2012


Derivative of:

Bawahaha. (beh-wah-ha-ha) ;

1) A maniacal laugh, usually belly splitting and almost always uttered by a crazy person just before the victim they were just about to kill magically escapes their bindings and kills them.

2) A deep, guttural laugh usually uttered by mad scientists just as their big breakthrough experiment is about to fail miserably.



An acronym for ” bloggers who always help aspiring, hopeful newbies anytime”.

verb – He bwahahana-ed me to death last nite, and I had my first multiple blog post.

*(yes, actually, your head really does belong in the gutter on that one;)

noun – Red is a natural bwahahahna, she helped me to shorten up my posts and clean up the crap in no time flat.

Do you have any suggestions for a `fake word that should be a real word of the day” word? Leave your suggestions as a comment (one suggestion per comment, please). Please include a short definition of the word. Acronyms are, by default of my using one today, allowed.

I will do my best to include your suggestion in an upcoming posting of the “Word of the day, 2012”

The only rule for this 356 post blog is that all words must be fake, and must have something to do with blogging or the people who blog.

subject to change. words may appear closer in a mirror than they actually are. 9 out of 10 librarians are mousey introverts, 19 times out of 20. This site is not endorsed by the SPCB (the second SPC (society of the prevention of Cruelty to Animals being the first one), the apathetic “Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Bloggers”.

Word of the Day: January 2, 2012



Blog, comment, comment, answer comment, comment, blog.

1) People who leave comments on blog posts that have nothing to do with the post.

2) Bloggers who spend as much time posting comments on other blogs and answering comments on their own blogs as they do writing blogs.

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