The Ramblings of a Somewhat Unstable Mind

Posts tagged ‘Mad scientist’

Word of the Day; January 19, 2012



Beer steins were invented the next town over. What should we invent?

1) The mad doctor who, upon connecting his laptop to a lightning bolt, invented the Internet. His first thought was to blog about his success, but, alas, since nobody else had the Internet yet, he was a complete and utter failure. He committed suicide the following Friday, the day before the first Apple computer was unveiled.

2) A small town just outside Dusseldorf where some insist that the first blog was written. It basically said something about the Aryan race and some kind of supremacy. (Wonder how that worked out? And, really, a little ahead of it’s time?)

3) A large glass that holds at least 3 liquid blogs. (Just wait for it, they’ll invent it soon enough – LCB displays, Liquid Crystal Beer)

Subject to change without notice. Words may seem closer in a mirror than they actually are. 9 out of 10 librarians are mousey introverts, 19 times out of 20, yet still manage to appear to be sexy. This site is not endorsed by the SPCB (the second SPC (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty) in the phone book – the SPCA (Animals) hogged the first spot on me again!) the apathetic and appallingly apropos “Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Bloggers” (donations accepted. Urged, even).

Word of the Day: January 6, 2012


Derivative of:

Bawahaha. (beh-wah-ha-ha) ;

1) A maniacal laugh, usually belly splitting and almost always uttered by a crazy person just before the victim they were just about to kill magically escapes their bindings and kills them.

2) A deep, guttural laugh usually uttered by mad scientists just as their big breakthrough experiment is about to fail miserably.



An acronym for ” bloggers who always help aspiring, hopeful newbies anytime”.

verb – He bwahahana-ed me to death last nite, and I had my first multiple blog post.

*(yes, actually, your head really does belong in the gutter on that one;)

noun – Red is a natural bwahahahna, she helped me to shorten up my posts and clean up the crap in no time flat.

Do you have any suggestions for a `fake word that should be a real word of the day” word? Leave your suggestions as a comment (one suggestion per comment, please). Please include a short definition of the word. Acronyms are, by default of my using one today, allowed.

I will do my best to include your suggestion in an upcoming posting of the “Word of the day, 2012”

The only rule for this 356 post blog is that all words must be fake, and must have something to do with blogging or the people who blog.

subject to change. words may appear closer in a mirror than they actually are. 9 out of 10 librarians are mousey introverts, 19 times out of 20. This site is not endorsed by the SPCB (the second SPC (society of the prevention of Cruelty to Animals being the first one), the apathetic “Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Bloggers”.

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